RSS Feed

wagtailnews supports RSS feeds!

Custom RSS feed fields

wagtailnews support of RSS feeds comes from Django’s syndication feed framework. Wagtail News provides a basic implementation, but you will need to customise it to suit your news models. For example, to add a custom <description> for your news items:

from wagtailnews.feeds import LatestEntriesFeed

class MyNewsFeed(LatestEntriesFeed):
    def item_description(self, item):
        return item.description

Your custom Feed class can then be added to your news index by setting the feed_class attribute:

class NewsIndex(NewsIndexMixin, Page):
    feed_class = MyNewsFeed

Find out more about Feed classes in the Django docs: django:ref/contrib/syndication.

Linking to RSS feed

A link to the RSS feed can be created in a template like this:

{% load wagtailroutablepage_tags %}
<a href="{% routablepageurl page "feed" %}">RSS</a>

The Wagtail docs have more information on the routablepageurl() template tag.